A Message from the Headteacher
On behalf of the governors and staff, I am incredibly proud to welcome you and your child to Bramley Sunnyside Junior School.
As a school, we instil the highest expectations in order for all our children to succeed through a creative curriculum of excellence.
We pride ourselves in placing children at the heart of all we do, where they feel valued and challenged to achieve their very best, being resilient and ambitious for their own futures.
Our talented team are committed individually to each and every one of our children, families and our caring community. We nurture effective respectful relationships through our collaborative ethos, believing that the partnership between us, as a school, and you to be crucial in your child's development.
We hope that this is the start of a close and successful relationship, working effectively together to enable all of our children to flourish into happy, confident and responsible citizens of the future.
Your child's education is an exciting journey and we want to be part of the infectious magic of creating memorable experiences that will enable them to grow and learn through awe and wonder!