Curriculum Statement
Our rationale and curriculum aims have been created by everyone for everyone.
It is our vision that at BSJS we empower all of our children to embrace learning, achieve their full potential and build their emotional, social and physical well-being through a creative curriculum for excellence.
Learning today... Leading tomorrow
At BSJS our values are collaboration, confidence and creativity, which are interwoven into our exciting and engaging curriculum.
Our inclusive curriculum aims to be ambitious and challenging for all children in school, created with a carefully sequenced and progressive programme of study across all subjects.
Curriculum Intent: What are our aims?
A progressive curriculum rooted in the National Curriculum
Skills and knowledge built on year-on-year
Eager and excited learners
Implementation: How are we going to achieve it?
- Supportive and committed subject leaders who inspire and equip staff to drive subjects forward
All staff informed, on board and moving in the same direction
Well structured and engaging lessons planned within a logical and progressive sequence
Ongoing formative assessment leading to summative judgments at key points throughout the year
Links with wider community and outside agencies
Visits and experiences
Supportive, motivational and celebratory classroom environments
Promoting and celebrating cultural diversity
A rich ‘cultural capital’

Impact: How will we know our curriculum is successful?​
Children make progress in line with or above national expectations
Children can confidently articulate their learning
Children’s books showcase learning in a creative and progressive way
The following information sets out the principles underpinning the curriculum and reflects the school’s commitment to developing all aspects of our children.
We aim for our children to:
Develop inquisitive minds, a spirit of curiosity and a passion for learning.
Be equipped with the skills to fully engage in an ever changing technological world.
Be respectful and considerate pro-active members of the school and wider community.
Have high expectations and self-belief to enable them to fulfil their potential.
Become reflective thinkers and learners and seek to extend themselves, mentally, physically, creatively and spiritually.
Uphold a ‘Have a Go’ attitude and approach to their learning.
Curriculum Enhancement:
Our curriculum is enriched by visits and visitors to school whenever possible.
We provide all children in school with opportunities for residential visits from year 3.
There are opportunities for the children to take on class and whole school responsibilities.
Each class has children who have monitor roles and across the school we have school counsellors, playground leaders and much more.
​​​Focus Weeks:
Some aspects of the curriculum are delivered through focus weeks and days such themes include: reading festival days, Hello Yellow day, anti-bullying week etc.
Extended School Opportunities:
The school offers a variety of after school clubs for children to take part in during, before and after school.
The Role of the Governing Body:
The Governing Body must consider and agree the curriculum, monitor and review its implementation and impact on learners.
The Role of the Headteacher:
The Headteacher decides with the staff in the school how the curriculum will be developed and monitored throughout each academic year. Consideration is given to: year groups, comparisons against local and national averages, gender, ethnicity and children with special educational needs or disabilities.
The Role of the SENDCo-ordinator:
The SENDCoordinator ensures that as a school, all of our appraoches are in line with the duties specified in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. For further information, please refer to the SEND Report 2020.
The Role of the Class Teachers:
The teachers have a responsibility to deliver the agreed curriculum through careful planning, teaching and evaluation. Flexibility and consideration is always given to the needs and interests of the children within each cohort.
Teachers in each year group meet on a weekly basis to consider the delivery of the curriculum, continuity and issues of progression. Each teacher has the responsibility to lead or be part of a curriculum team. This involves monitoring the effectiveness of the provision within this area and reporting this information to the head teacher and Governing Body.