History Curriculum

Through our progressive and sequential curriculum, at Bramley Sunnyside Junior School, we aim for all our children to be confident, curious and collaborative historians, who have a secure knowledge and understanding of local, British and world history. We intend for all of our children to be able to make enquires, connections and contrasts between a variety of historical periods, developing their knowledge of substantive and disciplinary concepts, ultimately enabling a long-term history schema to be established.​
Poppy has worked hard to develop a sequenced and progressive curriculum for history with defined concepts. This is clearly explained in her subject leader

Sequencing of history throughout KS2
Each area is broken down further, considering the enquiry learning and the concepts that are going to be covered. Poppy has created detailed medium term planning for all year groups, including the knowledge our children wil be exposed to and how they will be assessed:

Poppy, as history lead, is clear about the vision for her subject and the expectations for how it should be taught, from retrieval practice being built in to how to sequence the lesson.
Every unit has a Topic Overview to guide the children through where the unit fits in with the period of time (chronology), an overview, what they will learn, vocabulary and the concepts:

Our children achieve well in history due to the clear structure and expectations Poppy has planned.