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Every Friday, maths homework will be set by the class teacher on Class Dojo, which will be expected to be completed by the following week. 


This will be in addition to the weekly spellings and times tables that our children are expected to learn.


We also expect our children to read a minimum of three times a week, logging this in their home/school diaries.


To help you know what is happening each half term in our year groups, teachers have developed Family Engagement Letters to talk you through their intended learning and key dates:


Parental Engagement Booklet Year 3 Autumn 1

Parental Engagement Booklet Year 4 Autumn 1

Parental Engagement Booklet Year 5 Autumn 1

Parental Engagement Booklet Year 6 Autumn 1


Mrs Buckley - our GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) and Writing Lead has developed Bramley Sunnyside Junior School's own spelling scheme, which you can find below - please click on the link:

BSJS Spelling Scheme


Every child has their own log-in to too - please see an adult in your child's class if you do not know your child's log-on details.


All children have a Times Tables Rock Star account that they can log in to: Click this link to log in.

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