Mathematics Curriculum
Intent Statement
Throughour fun, practical and real-life teaching of maths, we aim to enable our children to learn the fundamental skills required to
become competent and confident mathematicians, who can apply their knowledge to everyday situations and challenges.
Our maths subject leader - Zoe Elliott - is working hard to continue to raise standards. Read her report to see how maths is progressively planned and implemented across our key stage:
Vocabulary Progression Document
In order for our children to learn to their true potential - developing consistent approach, Zoe has created a model lesson template for all teachers:
Zoe has created for each year group a detailed overview for each area of learning including vocabulary, objectives, how it progresses and links to resources:
Year 3 - Addition and Subtraction Example
Year 4 - Addition and Subtraction Example
Year 5 - Addition and Subtraction Example
Year 6 - Four Operations Example
Before any new unit begins, all children complete a Knowledge Harvest so that the teacher can pitch and tailor their teaching to the needs of the children. This is completed again at the end, as part of an assessment.
An arithmetic assessment is completed once a week in all classes to practice our children's fluencies.
Testbase assessments are completed termly in Year 3, 4 and 5. Previous end of KS2 SATs are completed in Year 6 half-termly.