Safeguarding Team

Laura Robson

Glynis Ashton

Sarah McVeigh

Helen Yellowley

Chloe Buckley

Emma McCaffery

Louise Woolley

Mr P Woodward
Safeguarding Governor
Keeping Children Safe in Education is statutory guidance for schools and colleges who must have regard to it when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Bramley Sunnyside Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We strive to ensure that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support children, families and and staff at our school.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Laura Robson (head teacher) and Mrs Sarah Mcveigh (deputy head teacher), Mrs Chloe Buckley (assistant head teacher) and Mrs Woolley (SENDCo) are the Deputy DSLs. Mrs Glynis Ashton (PISM) and Mrs Helen Yellowley (ELSA) are further DDSLs due to the pastoral work that they do with our children and families. Miss Emma McCaffery is a DDSL as School Business Manager (SBM). As set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education, the role of the DSL is to take lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection (including online safety). This should be explicit in the role holder’s job description. This person should have the appropriate status and authority within the school to carry out the duties of the post. They should be given the time, funding, training, resources and support to provide advice and support to other staff on child welfare and child protection matters, to take part in strategy discussions and inter-agency meetings, and/or to support other staff to do so, and to contribute to the assessment of children.
Operation Encompass – Operation Encompass is a national initiative which enhances communication between the police and schools where a child is at risk from domestic abuse. Operation Encompass is a process used to inform schools when the police have attended an incident of domestic abuse, where domestic abuse incidents have occurred in the homes of their pupils since the previous school day. The purpose of the information sharing is to ensure schools have more information to support the safeguarding of children. By knowing that the child has had this experience the school is in a better position to understand and be supportive of the child’s needs and possible behaviours.
Bramley Sunnyside Junior School has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding issues together with recording and monitoring processes.