Both the staff and Governors are in support of a uniformed dress code guided by the principles given below. We believe this helps create an identity for the school. It may also stop children competing in the “fashion stakes”, as well as proving cheaper to parents in the long run.
We kindly request that children do not wear denim jeans, denim shorts or tracksuit bottoms.
For health and safety reasons within the school environment, we ask that all pupils wear sensible shoes.
No jewellery (except one pair of small stud earrings or a wristwatch) is allowed.
In addition, students are not permitted to wear football shirts during PE lessons. This rule ensures uniformity and reduces distractions among students.
Proper footwear and appropriate clothing are essential for safety and comfort during physical activities. The school also requests that all PE clothing be clearly labelled with the child's name, and that jewellery is not worn during PE for safety reasons.
Due to Health & Safety reasons, if your child is unable to remove their earrings, then can you please provide plasters or tape so that they may cover their own ears (please note that this is not the responsibility of school staff). We recommend that if you wish your child to have their ears pierced, then please do so at the beginning of the summer holidays to enable them to heal prior to starting school in September.